Tuesday, August 9, 2011

what fun!

What I love the most about being a mom so far are the off-the-wall, from-outer-space comments and questions that pop up in the oddest times.  
(Ok.... that sentence was just crazy.)

The other day I was driving down the road when Caroline asked, "Mama, how do snakes poo-poo?  I mean..... they have to poo-poo don't they?  ..... How?"  (please read poo-poo like puh-eww puh-eww, you know, in the most southern way possible.... draw it out..... nice an' slow, and you'll have it exactly as she said it.)

Um.   Wha- whaat?  ;) (this is me trying not to laugh...)  Umm.  Uhhh.  Well, I guess.... they have butts? Yes.  Snakes have butts.  But we don't talk about snake butts.  Um- K?

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