Saturday, August 29, 2009

Found a way...

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

I don't even know how to say this. How do I explain, when it doesn't feel real yet, that we just accepted a file on a beautiful little five year old girl from China on August 17th.

We have to make it through a homestudy, approval of our government, and then approval of China before we can bring her home.

But it's amazing to know that she's out there. Right now. Cute as a button.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ode to Thirsty Cat

He has asthma, he snores, he takes many pills to keep him well, the vet knows him very well, he claws my furniture, he "cheows" incessantly when he wants something, he nuzzles me with his wittle head, he beats up my other kitties, he sleeps on the top of a couch cushion making a divot where he has been, he eats almost anything but lately has been licking ants off our floor, he wants in and he wants out and he wants in and he wants out again and again and again.....
He is my baby boy.
And I love him so.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

3 Musketeers and then some....

My coworker went to the store and bought us all a candy bar.  I tried to fight the urge to ask her to get me one, but when everyone else started placing their orders....... I caved.

"Please, get me a 3 Musketeers."  I meekly said.

Bag in hand, she arrived back to the office and handed out our chocolaty goodness. 

However my 3 Musketeers wasn't simply a harmless small candy bar,
oh no.  It was a gy-normous duel hunk of caloric poison housed in packaging that boasted 45% less fat. 

45% less fat = totally acceptable to eat two 
What kind of packaging genius came up with this idea?   

But..... um I Love me some CHoColAte!
(but no, I only ate one.) 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sleep therapy...

My parents bought THE best mattress about two years ago.  I've been coveting it since they bought it because it's so incredibly comfortable!  
FINALLY we (I) decided that enough is enough with our old mattress.  It was just too hard, and me being "like the princess and the pea" and all..... my husband's words not mine,  it was time to buy a new one. Just Like My Parent's.  

Well, we searched and shopped around.  We eventually made it to the place where my parent's purchased their mattress.  However, the salesman was ...... um.



Yea, stupid.  That's the correct term.  He was trying to sell us a "green" mattress made from bamboo products...... you know for those "tree hugger people" or for those who want to "save the planet."   I was so trying not to laugh when he said this.  I had to look away, but it was kind of like when you get the urge to laugh while you're in church.  

So then we moved to the mattress which my folks had bought.   We were mulling it over in our brains whether we wanted to spend SO much for a mattress when this salesman notified us that this mattress was made with "petroleum disallates."  (No, I know I left the "t" out of that word because he did too!) 

Really now.  This mattress is made from petroleum distillates?  Isn't that very flammable?  Then he proceeded to tell us that this mattress will "freeze up like a block of ice."    Alright dude, I've heard enough. 

Well, my husband and I searched, and we searched with no luck.  So reluctantly my dear husband went back to the scene of the terrible sales pitch.  Thankfully, the owner of the store was there, and he gave us an pretty okay deal.  Good enough.  SO yay for our new mattress!  I'm so excited to go to sleep tonight!  

I'm in love with it's cushy comfort!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Find a way...

We have lovely Rajah Red microfiber chairs in our living room. We also have cats. Therefore, we get a mighty fine covering of fur which I have to clean up weekly. (If I'm being good.)

But after one such cleaning the other day, I was sick and tired of the cats getting right back up on the furniture and depositing more of their lovely fur.....

so I put the ottoman on the chair to keep the cats off...

I turned around to clean something else and...

This is where I found Gizamee. Damn cat. But she sure knows her place in this world!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


My fourth baby lost.  Unbelievable.  Didn't see that coming.  Wonder why?

I'm an uncomfortable pregnant person.  Constantly worrying over what I'm eating, what's that pain, what's that feeling, what's happening within me, what chemicals am I breathing? 
Would I be a good mother?  Or would I be selfish and wish for this life back?  I can't imagine that happening.  I'm so lost.  What is there to do?  Who am I but a Mother?  I was born to be a mother wasn't I?  I know I would be a good one.... why then is it not happening?   

I cannot be at peace with this life because it's boring.  
Work. Clean. Sleep. Eat. QVC. Work.  

Is there something that I'm supposed to be before I'm a mother?  

I see myself with children.  I need a big family.  Big Christmases.  Big Birthday celebrations.  Homework after supper.   Folding little clothes.  Bath times.  Chasing fireflies.  Saying "no" in the candy aisle.  Teacher conferences.  Doctors appointments.  Strep throat.  Band concerts.  Shopping for school clothes.  Watching babies sleep.  Tucking little heads in the bed. Drinks of water.  Baking cookies.  Decorating the Christmas tree.  Dying Easter eggs.  Vacation Bible school.  Summer vacations.  Car seats.  Swinging.  Hula hooping.  Piano lessons.  Dance classes.  Skinned knees.  Tummy aches. Listening to small breathes. Story time.  Worrying, pacing, loving, caring, sighing, laughing, exhaustion......

What else would I do? 

Monday, August 3, 2009

When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead, keep your head up high and gaze at the stars because that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal, and remember, we gather strength from sadness and from pain. Each time we die, we learn to live again.”
— Unknown
(found on emptyspaces -see my links. It was just so appropriate.)