Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thank goodness it's Friday..... well, close enough.

Shooooo, am I glad the last day of my work week is tomorrow. I get Friday off! Yay for that! This week has been tough. I like my new job, but I miss my friends terribly from my last job. I miss you guys!! I'm so lonely at work without ya'll!

I am such a creature of habit, and this week has put me through the ringer with all of the newness. I have a different lunch hour (way to freakin' early for me!) And also, I'm not sure what to do with myself while on break so I've been riding around aimlessly. Ah well. I'm sure I'll get back in a rut quickly enough. (Cause that's where I like to be.) ;)

Another reason for such an unsettling week........

"Wow! Did I do that?" said Gizamee. Yes you little blankety-blank kitty cat, you missed the litter box too many times and we had to cut out our carpet! Man, I hate for anything to be messed up in the house, and a big gaping hole in the carpet falls into that category.

But it is almost the weekend...... and this is all I'm going to be doing:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Something old, something new....

Today was my last day at FC. ;( I was so very sad to leave all of my friends. They gave me a beautiful lucky bamboo arrangement, along with a gift card that I will have no problem in using up immediately, and an ice cream cake! Yum! I'm going to miss them so much!

Thursday, I start my new job at FNB. So..... we'll see how that goes! Wish me luck! (Yay for lucky bamboo!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What to do....What to do.

Having Children shouldn't be this hard. Am I just delusional in thinking this? A little girl is supposed to grow up, fall in love, marry a wonderful man, and then have children. There shouldn't be any major decisions to make. It should just happen. But you know...... it doesn't always happen that way.

I have lost my way a little. Yesterday, I read this article. I must say it has upset me quite a lot. If it's true, I have been misguided in thinking that I would be saving an orphan girl from a country that doesn't want her. But if it is true about the parents waiting four or more years to adopt domestically from China..... I don't want to take their children from them. Special Needs adoption from China would still be an option, but can I take it? Can I handle picking out a child and not getting her? Can Marc handle this? Or should we choose another country? It would be so much easier to go to say...Russia than to deal with all of the China unknown.

I have just been searching for a sign. From God. Searching for him to tell me what to do, what to believe, and what to hope for.

This would all be much simpler if I could figure out exactly what the pull to China adoption is. Is it because I lost my little girl in such a way....... do I need redemption? I want so terribly to save a little girl from suffering. And in return, to save myself from suffering?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Harry Potter Doldrums

Ok....ok, so I started re-reading the Harry Potter books again in January. Yes.... I know..... AGAIN?
This time, I began reading the series because I've had time to let book seven sink in, and I wanted to re-read the entire series back-to-back to get the full effect. I'm at the end of book six now, and about to begin the final Harry Potter book (that I've only read once before!) But you know......then what?

I've read and reread these books so many times through the years while impatiently waiting on the next Harry Potter installment that I kinda don't know what to read now. And also..... I mean.... how many times can a person reread Harry Potter? (2 times per year 2000-2006 until the last book came out in 2007 = 16 times including this last reading!)
I mean the Dumbledore being gay explanation from J.K. Rowling made things a little interesting at first, know....not really.

I've even read the British version.

(not that much different except a jumper to them is a sweater, and tennis shoes are trainers.) (Oh yeah, and they eat something called... Spotted Dick.)
I am not even lying, ya'll. I looked up the recipe!


That's not all.
I have just realized that I do the same things over and over and over again. It's not just Harry Potter.... oh no.
It's EVERYTHING! ;) Take for instance, Friday at work, I asked my co-worker to bring me a pack of Handi-snacks cheese and crackers from the breakroom. Everything was fine until she called me from said breakroom and told me we were out of cheese and crackers.
"How about cheese and pretzels?"
So she brings me the cheese and pretzels, and they were very good. I said, "These are great! How can you not like cheese..... and you know....pretzels?" But the very unclear point I am trying to make here is that I would've never tried the pretzels had the crackers been there.

Is my whole life like this....? Yeah. It is.

And my poor husband. Bless his heart. He has to deal with this everynight.

Well, what can I say. I love me some greenbeans!

But any way you stack them..... still greenbeans.

Maybe, it's just a comfort thing. Maybe I'm OCD or something. I don't really think so though, because I usually don't freak out if I can't have something. I think it's more to do with actually deciding to do something else.
It's easy to just go to Chick-Fil-A and have a "six pack kid's meal with a medium tea" every single day (which I did for about .... oh, I'd say six years because I worked close by to a Chick-Fil-A, and they have killer tea!) than to try and decide where I'd like to go for lunch.

I'm a creature of habit....what can I say.
But can someone please tell me what to read now? Because you know, I don't have TV, and my only other option is to watch the live stream of QVC on the internet. So before I become on a first name basis with QVC customer service, or the UPS guy, I'm in desperate need of a good book....maybe even a good book series. Oooh yeah, and I'll get totally immersed in it for a couple of years. That'd be great. Anybody?