Tuesday, August 9, 2011

what fun!

What I love the most about being a mom so far are the off-the-wall, from-outer-space comments and questions that pop up in the oddest times.  
(Ok.... that sentence was just crazy.)

The other day I was driving down the road when Caroline asked, "Mama, how do snakes poo-poo?  I mean..... they have to poo-poo don't they?  ..... How?"  (please read poo-poo like puh-eww puh-eww, you know, in the most southern way possible.... draw it out..... nice an' slow, and you'll have it exactly as she said it.)

Um.   Wha- whaat?  ;) (this is me trying not to laugh...)  Umm.  Uhhh.  Well, I guess.... they have butts? Yes.  Snakes have butts.  But we don't talk about snake butts.  Um- K?

Monday, August 8, 2011


One of Caroline's most favorite games is Memory. 
And man, is she ever good?!

She plays to win, and usually I let her.
'Cause I'm skeered!  ;)

Serious concentration...

Aaaaannd.... she wins by a landslide! 

Other memories came back today...
She said while she was in China, she ate too many potatoes and puked on the way home.
So now that's why she doesn't eat potatoes.
(except french fries...they don't count!)
Fair enough, and nice to know!

She also drew a picture of a chicken dinner that her foster mother made for her. 
It was her FAVORITE!

But alas, I'm not sure I'll be able to re-create it... 
Any ideas on what this might be? ;)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Afternoon Shenanigans...

Oh, they look so cute!


I can do it too, Thirsty!  See?

And for your viewing pleasure,
I present:  
(the commentary is cute!  But boy, where'd she get that southern accent?)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

yes, Ma'am

So she calls me ma'am.  And I don't like it!  

ma'am |mam|nouna term of respectful or polite address used for a woman excuse me, ma'am.• a term of address for a ranking female officer in the police or armed forces.• Brit. a term of address for female royalty.ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: contraction ofmadam .I don't know about you, but I want to be a mama, not a ma'am.  I don't want to be ranked as a "female officer" in my child's life.  Just this morning, after she asked if she could go to work with "Baba," knowing good and well that she  wouldn't be able to...    I got the Eeyore's version of, "yes ma'am."  *sigh*  And throw in some extra sad, mopey eyes, and then.....  I forgot to take a deep breath.  THE deep breath of mommy calmness.  So I said in my most chipper, non-confrontational voice, "Honey, who told you to call me ma'am?  I mean, you don't call Baba "sir?"  Right?  See... it makes me feel that you don't like me.  (MISTAKE!  SHUT YOUR MOUTH MOMMYINTRAINING!)  You know.... it's kinda formal.  Do you know what formal is?  No?  You know..... not relaxed.  Anyway, it's okay if you wannacallmemaa'm, but I was just curious."   OH man, ohmanohman, I did not just have a conversation about her calling me ma'am!  What the hey.  Our morning is off to a wonderful start!  Good morning, anxiety, frustration, and insecurity! Y'all are right on time!