Upon returning home from the exciting Top Ten Gingerbread experience (yay!)....... we found this:
Apparently the kitties were hungry (even though we had someone check on them the night before.) The food stays on top of the refrigerator, and I'm sure the kitty shown here was the culprit in the great food retrieval. Maybe next time we go out of town we should just pour the food on the floor to begin with. Poor hungry (ahem....greedy) kitties! :)
And then there was a box on the doorstep. A very big box. What did I order that was so huge-a-normous?
Let's see....
Three smaller boxes inside the big box.
Ah, yes.
My Bath and Body Works pumpkins that were on a wonderfully irresistible sale have arrived! (In time for Christmas, ah well.)
And they've brought much packaging with them. Wow. Who would've guessed it would take so much trash to bring me three pumpkins. Three small pumpkins. Sorry dear Earth. I needed my pumpkins, I guess. :)
They're very pretty, though.
And here my pumpkins are displayed along with the beautiful flowers my husband sent to me at work, last week. Awww, isn't he sweet? He just wanted me to know how proud he was of me. Well, thanks Honey! You're so sweet, and thoughtful!
and pretty.
But the pumpkins couldn't stay up long! Christmas decorating has officially started at our house. Is it really already that time?
Well....... at least I have 24 days to get everything decorated. But for now, I'll take a nap along with the cats. (all three of which can be found in this picture. Look closely!)
Happy decorating!