Well, there's a pretty good reason for this actually. I've never finished anything that I've started knitting or crocheting, except for scarves and dishcloths, and I'm not a big scarf wearing person ...... I'm lucky enough to remember a coat if it's cold outside.
My first knitted scarf.
My first crocheted scarf.
I have started quite a few sweater projects, only to lose interest or to get way over my head in technicalities. I bought VERY expensive yarn on our Outer Banks trip last summer...... I actually did finish the front piece, but I stopped because I became nervous that, "That thing will NEVER fit around me!" Alas, all that beautiful yarn is sitting in a bag upstairs.....waiting in my yarn stash.

My lovely yarn stash.... made into something pretty!
Also, I'm a very up-tight knitter. While knitting, I'll catch my shoulders creeping up to my ears, and I'll notice that I'm holding my breath. Maybe this is why my knitting is so tight. I think knitting should be a calming, soothing, relaxing past time, but ..... I'm just too afraid I'll drop a stitch or something, and then where would I be?
Crocheting is a little better however, and I recently bought a pattern for a pretty shapely short sleeved sweater. So I'm going to give this crocheting/knitting thing one more try. I'll keep you posted on how it goes..... if it goes at all!