Our Christmas morning was a beautiful sight:

and then we saw something on the way to my sister's house that I've never seen before:
A Fog bow! It does exist! Really, 'cause I looked it up! :)

Evidently my niece wrote the gift tags for my sister. (um well, I guess she did. I hope she did.)
Isn't that CUTE!!!

and here's a picture of my nephew and niece: Cute Cute Cute!

and what's up with the flat screen light bright! I was given a light bright for Christmas back in the day, but mine was honkin' big compared to this thing. However, I liked playing with it as much this time as I did last time. Which is to say .... not really at all.

And here are the many faces of me at Christmas time:
Oh yea! My husband's mom and dad gave me the best Soundspa alarm clock with a projector and thermometer and this thing which tells time!

all dressed up in my new coat and scarf! Yummy!

awwww, this baby doll was so cute until she blinked her eyes at me and moved her head in an exorcist way. yikes. Make her go to sleep! Thanks!

My dear husband wrapped up a present from my Thirsty cat. It even had a wad of cat hair in the tape. Nice touch, darling! It was a sticky roller! Nice. Thanks El Gatos!

my husbands wonderful grandfather got all the girls jewelry for Christmas. Here we all are oooohing over our goods.

My husband and his brother having a grand ol' time! Hood style. Get it? aw. (They're wearing the hoodies their grandfather gave them for Christmas) Is is lame that I have to explain everything? Sorry!

Lovin' my new "bedrooms." Thanks Aunt Susie!

Don't I just look filled with the Christmas spirit here? Wonder what I was talking about to my husband's paternal grandmother? She's so cute!

and a whole new meaning for red eye, er, orange M&M eye!
Here I'm saying "and this is how much chocolate I'll eat in the new year!" hmmm. Well, considering I've already eaten two fun size packs of peanut M&M's tonight and bought two bags of those delectable cherry Hershey Kisses today, and also not to forget the bag of mint M&M's because they were 50% off due to the fact they still were wearing their Christmas colors. Um. what was I saying?

What a mess. Not to worry. We left it for my Bmama (my grandmother, that is) to clean up because you know..... it was her birthday too! Doesn't the birthday girl who turns a wonderful and magical 89 years old 'er young on Christmas day (of all days) get to clean up the mess? (ya'll we didn't really leave the mess for her!)

Happy Birthday Bmama!

So "God bless us every one" and "to all a good night" "painted ribbons" and frosty britches and all that stuff. (I should tell you all about how I mix up words in Christmas carols sometime!)

by-the-way, Jessa. Give a girl some freakin' notice! I fell off my chair at the bank today because of your little "four" news! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding (no pun intended) but I was looking at your blog last week and looking at your wonderful Eli pictures thinking, I wonder if Eli will ever have siblings? Yay Siblings for ELI! I'm so happy for you all!